Trades NL Shows Support for Newfoundland & Labrador’s Skilled Trades Workforce – Urging Federal Government to Level Playing Field in Income Tax Act

For Immediate Release:

December 22, 2021 – Trades NL continues to call on the federal government to follow through on its election commitment – ensuring tax fairness for skilled trades workers across Newfoundland and Labrador and Canada.

As the economy continues to rebound, the recovery will be uneven in different parts of the country and workers will need to travel for employment and to build our infrastructure. Under the current Income Tax Act, salespeople, professionals, and Canadians in other industries can receive a tax deduction for the cost of their travel, meals, and accommodations. However, the same option is denied to skilled trades workers who work on jobsites in different regions or provinces from their primary residence.

In continued support of Canada’s Building Trades Unions Skilled Labour Mobility Campaign, Trades NL is heavily advocating for the implementation of a skilled trades Workforce Mobility Tax Deduction for out-of-pocket expenses when skilled tradespeople travel for work.

“The federal government must ensure our workers receive the support they deserve so that the entire province and country can benefit for years to come,” say Trades NL President, Tom Woodford. “The implementation of a Workforce Mobility Tax Deduction would not only address inequity in the Income Tax Act, it would relieve financial burden for many of our province’s workers, allowing them to pursue more meaningful employment opportunities, contribute to our economy and support their families.”

To learn more about how you can show your support for Canada’s Building Trades Unions skilled labour mobility campaign click here.

Trades NL is an umbrella labour organization which promotes and coordinates the interests of 16 building and construction trades unions, representing more than 18,000 skilled trades workers in the province of Newfoundland and Labrador. For 70 years, our craft continues to construct, fabricate and maintain some of the world’s most complex facilities.

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Media Contact:
Shanelle Clowe
Communications Specialist

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