Trades NL Members Announce Donation to Canadian Cancer Society’s One Night Stand Radiothon to Help Cancer Patients and Their Families Stay Together

For Immediate Release

November 17th, 2022 – It costs the Canadian Cancer Society $100 per night to provide a guest of Daffodil Place with affordable comfort and care. To help alleviate the financial burden of a cancer diagnosis and the families affected, Trades NL members have donated $3,250 in support of the One Night Stand Radiothon fundraiser.

Trades NL members are very passionate about supporting cancer care – having recently donated $75,000 in 2021 to the In This Together Campaign for a new Chemotherapy Unit for the Dr. H. Bliss Murphy Cancer Centre.

“Patients deserve a comfortable, secure space to live in while receiving life-saving treatment,” says Trades NL’s Executive Director, Darin King. “Daffodil Place provides that much needed space, and our members are committed to making an impact on the lives of patients and their families in their fight against cancer. We thank Daffodil Place for their continued work, and look forward to seeing how our contribution will positively improve access to adequate care for patients now and into the future.”

Today, starting at 7 a.m., VOCM will broadcast live for 24-hours from Daffodil Place. The Give Today, Give a Night Radiothon supports the One Night Stand Against Cancer campaign, which raises money for Daffodil Place.

Trades NL is an umbrella labour organization which promotes and coordinates the interests of 16 building and construction trades unions, representing more than 60 trades and 15,000 skilled trades workers in the province of Newfoundland and Labrador. For 70 years, our craft continues to construct, fabricate and maintain some of the world’s most complex facilities.

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Media Contact:
Shanelle Clowe

About Trades NL

Trades NL is an umbrella labour organization which promotes and coordinates the interests of 16 building and construction trades unions, representing more than 60 trades and 15,000 skilled trades workers in the province of Newfoundland and Labrador. For 70 years, our craft continues to construct, fabricate and maintain some of the world’s most complex facilities.

About Trades NL: Labrador Office for Indigenous & Northern Skilled Trades

Trades NL: Labrador Office for Indigenous & Northern Skilled Trades is dedicated to recruiting, promoting, supporting and advancing the economic growth of Indigenous People of Newfoundland and Labrador within the skilled trades – with an emphasis on Red Seal occupations. This office seeks to create new employment opportunities for Indigenous apprentices and journeypersons, increase apprenticeship completion rates, and foster greater commitment and participation of employers and unions to create employment opportunities, overcome barriers and enhance supports in the workplace.

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